If your order was delayed, you may have received a text from us with the following statement:
Due to some unexpected delays, we are running behind on your delivery. We've rescheduled your delivery to tomorrow. While we always work to get everything delivered on schedule, there are some instances where we need more time to clean properly. Click this link to learn more: https://bit.ly/2ulaundry-delayed-delivery.
Because of this mistake on our end, we have credited your account $25. We will be back on schedule tomorrow and sincerely appreciate your patience.
While we always work to get everything delivered on schedule, there are some instances where we need more time to clean and deliver properly. We estimate cleaning and production times based on average order sizes and operate on a tight schedule to make sure we get everything done so everyone can have their laundry back on schedule. However, every once in a while, we run into delays.
Unlike other delivery options, we operate our own production facilities. We know laundry; we don’t just resell to the local laundromat. We believe that you should know who is doing your laundry – not just ordering from any app you find online.
At 2ULaundry, we’re real people who do real laundry. However, sometimes we run into a delay:
- Garments need extra time for proper treatment
- Utility or facility maintenance left our cleaning shifts behind schedule
- Weather delays that delayed shifts from starting on time
- The production teams fell behind and simply need more time to process the order.
Here is what happens next:
- We have added a $25 credit to your account for the inconvenience. Laundry is personal. And, we are sorry for the delay.
- Your delivery has been rescheduled for tomorrow (Mon - Sat).
- If you sent multiple laundry bags, it is likely that you receive some of your order back as scheduled. However, there is at least one bag that is delayed. This is now rescheduled.
We appreciate your patience. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our Customer Care Team. And, again, we are very sorry for the delay.