Visit this website in order to buy a gift card. Select the amount you would like to purchase and you can even include a personalized note! The lucky person will be receiving an email with their gift card code.
Our gift cards are non-refundable and their value does not expire with time.
When accessing the website we provided, you'll have access to selecting several conditions, including the recipient, whether this is an individual or a group gift, and customized messages.
Amounts: gift cards are available in increments of $50, $100, $250, and $500. We also include an option for you to select your own value for a custom gift card (with a minimum of $25 and a maximum of $1,000). When considering your laundry service gift card purchase, please remember that a single service usually costs about $100 for a week’s worth of laundry.
What kind of gift is it? Here you will be able to select whether this is coming only from you or if this gift belongs to a group.
For one individual
This choice will allow you to write the recipient's name and email address at the bottom of the form, so that they automatically receive the gift card once the checkout process is completed. If you select "Send instantly" they will receive a notification letting them know that their gift card is active, making sure there's no chance to spoil the surprise!
Send on a future date: You can select this option if you want the recipient to receive their gift card on a given day, for example on their birthday or anniversary. You will be prompted to select a date from a calendar (or write it yourself with a MM/DD/YYYY format), and the email will be automatically scheduled to be sent that day.
Group gift card
If you are pitching in for a group present, you can create the gift card and ask the rest of the group to contribute. If you select this option you'll be able to add contributors at the bottom of the form. All you'll need is their email addresses, and you can add an invitation message as well as a suggested amount to contribute. Keep in mind that this will not lock them to a given number, and they will be able to enter whichever amount they choose to contribute with.
Delivery date: the gift card will be created at checkout with the amount you entered, and every time someone within the group adds a contribution its value will be increased. So, you might want to delay the final delivery until everyone has had time to chip in! Selecting the "Group gift card" option will automatically enable a "Delivery date" option in your recipient's contact details.
Checkout: you can make a payment using GPay or use any card. Complete your details, and the order will be issued! Remember that whoever is receiving the gift card will have to redeem it with us.