When you receive your laundry, you'll do so in the same bags in which the laundry was left for pickup, but neatly folded and taken care of. This article provides some details on all you need to know about the packaging of our laundry.
Wash & fold and Linens: it’s not a science; it’s an art! We pack like-items in individual drawer-ready bags aimed at keeping your laundry ready for the drawer. Shirts with shirts. Pants with pants. Kids clothes with kids clothes, etc. All wash and fold garments are returned crisply folded. Please keep in mind that we are not able to sort items by family member or create custom folding for you.
Clean laundry is returned in poly bag liners to keep your laundry clean and the folds crisp during delivery.
Dry cleaning: our dry cleaning processes use organic solvent as opposed to harmful alternatives. These garments are returned pressed on hangers (please don't send us your own hangers though!). Hanging garments are packed into a poly bag liner for safe keeping - just like you would see at conventional cleaners.
Hang dry garments*: all of your hang dry items will arrive on hangers with the exception of intimates which will be returned in your hang dry bag for privacy.
Due to our quick turnaround time, some hang-dry items may still be damp upon arrival. In order to maximize drying time for hanging items, we don’t cover them with plastic wrap. Instead, we will hang a plastic sheet behind the items to keep them from coming into contact with the surface of your door.
*In Atlanta, Austin, Houston, and Phoenix markets, items sent in the hang-dry bag are processed as delicates on low heat and all items are returned folded.