Notifications sent by our team
Our Customer Care Team
Unified neighborhood routes in Charlotte
- Unified neighborhood routes in Charlotte
- Unified neighborhood routes in Charlotte: new pickup and delivery times
- Unified neighborhood routes in Charlotte: does this mean my laundry will be left outside longer?
- Unified neighborhood routes in Charlotte: how will this impact my weekly recurring schedule/laundry delivery?
- Unified neighborhood routes in Charlotte: why are dry cleaning orders now delayed?
- Unified neighborhood routes in Charlotte: how do I change my schedule so I have my dry cleaning delivered earlier in the week?
Promotion codes and gift cards
Special requests
- Special requests: bleach and sanitization
- Special requests: questions about customizing your order
- Special requests: temperature preferences
- Special requests: custom folding and sorting
- Special requests: can I send you my own hangers?
- Special requests: can I send my own detergent and/or softener?