With your first order, you will leave your laundry in disposable bags for our drivers to pick up. Please avoid sending your laundry in hampers or on hangers – both can be damaged in transport.
Special treatment bags need to be labeled. If bags are not labeled, our team will assume it is a wash and fold laundry:
- Dry Cleaning: If you have items to be sent in for Dry Cleaning or Laundrering & Pressing, place those in a separate bag clearly labeled as “Dry Cleaning.”
- Delicates: If you have delicate items that should be cared for separately from the rest of your laundry, place those in a separate bag clearly label as “Delicates.”
- Linens: If you want to send linens only as way to get the discounted Linen Bag pricing, please label your bag as “Linen Bag.”
When we return your clean laundry, we will include your personalized laundry bags. You can stuff them full at your convenience for future orders.